Monday, November 06, 2006
long time
needless to say its the begining of november and we are still in mississippi. Things have happened which i don't .want to go into on this blog but knock on wood jan. 3rd were out and going to los angeles. we both can hardly wait. danny and i are excited and want to move now buthave current obbligations that keep us from doing that. Sorry for the long delay.i'll make an effort to write more right afeter my birthday november 19th . Feel free to send me presents.
long time
needless to say its the begining of november and we are still in mississippi. Things have happened which i don't .want to go into on this blog but knock on wood jan. 3rd were out and going to los angeles. we both can hardly wait. danny and i are excited and want to move now buthave current obbligations that keep us from doing that. Sorry for the long delay.i'll make an effort to write more right afeter my birthday november 19th . Feel free to send me presents.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
new school year.
today is the first day of school at southern. and its my first time not to be getting off a summer break and going to school in 18 years. Kinda weird. Though i am sitting up at the library on campus posting this. Just couldn't not be a part of it ( really heather dragged me up here) threre i've updated..i have some more thoughts and profound things to post but i am going to get coffee instead..maybe another day..
amy...oh ya i'm still in mississippi, its a lloooonnnnggg story. maybe i'll get into that to soon. maybe one day i'll get out of here
amy...oh ya i'm still in mississippi, its a lloooonnnnggg story. maybe i'll get into that to soon. maybe one day i'll get out of here
Friday, June 23, 2006
Moving to Cali..whooo hooo! but is anything going right, nope of course not. My car is in the shop with transmission issues. We are not remolty ready for this. but in four days were rolling. Rain or shine nothing is going to stop us, and its rather intimidating. Danny and I just got back from four days in Destin and how I would love to go back and ingnore reality a little bit longer. Though I am so excited I am nervous at the same time. Oh well we'll see what happens!
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Hey ya'll! Still sitting here in Mississippi. Danny and I are still putting the house back together, maybe tommorow i'll post pictures of where we are living. anywho, I am just working and writing latley. Finished the book Reading Lolita in Tehran. Extremly good. Also been reading this screenwriting book that is kind of depressing me because it just continously tells you how impossible a field it is. But i got a spefy new screen writing program so i've been dedicating some of my day now to writing a screen play. It will probley never see the light of day but I've got creative juices flowing and gotta get them out.
I am extremly anxious about moving to California though a little timid. Not sure what I am getting myself into. People always ask details about this and that but I'm never quite sure what to tell them. I'm going home on June 1st for a week and a half. After that its Danny's brothers wedding then were off to Cali.
Other then that nothing else that exciting is going on. As an internet junkie I decided to put some of my favorite blogs down for anyone who is intrested - its a blog by Kevin Smith. I love to read it he cracks me up. - fun celebrity gossip site. - my friend richards site who is in Kuwait right now with the military - author of the the funny book Bitter is the New Black. Great website.
that is all just to name a few. If you got any other funny ones let me know. Love reading blogs.
I am extremly anxious about moving to California though a little timid. Not sure what I am getting myself into. People always ask details about this and that but I'm never quite sure what to tell them. I'm going home on June 1st for a week and a half. After that its Danny's brothers wedding then were off to Cali.
Other then that nothing else that exciting is going on. As an internet junkie I decided to put some of my favorite blogs down for anyone who is intrested - its a blog by Kevin Smith. I love to read it he cracks me up. - fun celebrity gossip site. - my friend richards site who is in Kuwait right now with the military - author of the the funny book Bitter is the New Black. Great website.
that is all just to name a few. If you got any other funny ones let me know. Love reading blogs.
Monday, May 01, 2006
sorry for the lack of updates. but due to the lack of internet access its been difficult. But i just thought i'd give a little update on what is going on in my world right now. I am back in Mississippi living in Long Beach. Its just temporary then I am headed for Los Angles. Danny and I are in the middle of renovating a house (well more Danny then me) and I am writing a screenplay. Not sure where its headed yet other then its about the south. I was thinking about all the diffrences from the rest of the country to down here and I was wondering if anyone had any good sayings or things that southerns do that are funny. Things such as everybody is refered to as Miss (insert first name here). It doesn't matter if there married or not thats there name. Or how Cool Whip is like its own food group down here. If you got any other funny ones e-mail me or post them on the site..thanks
tot tot
tot tot
Friday, April 07, 2006
Monday, April 03, 2006
my trip in pics
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
One last european post
Sniff Sniff, we are leaving today, sniff, and coming back to america, sniff, the land of wal-marts and apple pie. We hope our driver will be at the airport to pick us up! Danny and I have seen more and had more experiences then we ever can imagine. Though we are ready to come home and go eat where people understand what we are ordering. And where there are hot showers and non- funky toilets. But we will miss it here so much! Bye, see you in America!
Sunday, March 26, 2006
In Berlin, which is cold wet and dreary. We overslept and missed the bike tour (damn daylight savings!) So we are just wandering around today. Headed for Amsterdam sometime tommorow. Thats it for now..Grubb Gott!
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Headed to Berlin
We are leaving Prague today and headed for Berlin. We'll only be there for a day and a half, which kinda sucks. We are doing a bike tour of the city tommorow which I'm extremley excited for. Prague has been awesome and I would recommend it to everyone. Danny and I are finally starting to get a little tired of traveling and almost ready to come home, (ALMOST!). But one more city left to conquer for this trip!
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Prague is awesome! Yesterday Danny and I just walked all over the city. We took in the shops and the arcitcture. This city is has so much personality. We bought ourselves a few souviners since we havn't bought much this whole trip. The prices here are reasonably cheap and its nice not to be blowing a ton of money. Last night we went out and tried the Pilsner beer. Its rather good, nothing like US beer, but German beer is still the best. Prague restraunts like to overcharge customers or short them their change. At one bar what should have cost 270 Crowns cost us 450. I was pissed but didn't feel like fighting it so I just didn't tip instead. It is just agravating, cause apparently they did a recent survey and said that almost 60 percent of bars and restraunts do this. So when in Prague watch the check and your change. Today Danny and I sat around and went for a nice meal. I got pork tenderloin with plum in the middle, so good! They say Chekz food isn't good but I like it. The only thing I havn't liked is the traditional sasuage/hot dog. It was crunchy on the outside and just rather nasty. We are getting sad that our time here is almost up but We've still got one more city left, Berlin, which we leave for on sat. night. AHOJ!
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
yesterday was amazing! We started out the day drinking great coffee again (I just missed it so much) and then went out to explore. We went to the Communist Museum which was really informative. There was a guy here in 1969 that burned himself to death at the new town square to protest communist. Only problem he didn't die for three more days. It also talked about the Velvet Revoloution that happened here that wasn't as peaceful as people made it out to be (its when in 1989 the Chekz people protested the communist and the government became theirs.) Anywho, we then took a walk around old town and to the Jewish Ghetto which were going back to another day to really explore. Then we went of St Charles Bridge to get a good look at it cause on the walking tour we pratically ran across it. There is a perfect view of the castle its so piturecsuse. Then as we were on the bridge we were trying to Rember if that was the bridge they used at the end of XXX with Vin Disel. But if it was he wouldn't have made it there because there is a little waterfall that the submarine would not have made it down. Anywho, doesn't matter cause Vin Disel still managed to save the world and we all can live in peace.(yes I am joking I know it was a movie) Then we went to a Midevil Torture Museum! OWH there was some PAINFUL THINGS. Between the Water Torture to putting people in caskets with spikes that didn't hit vital organs so they would live in there like a week before they died it was painful. Danny loved this museum, its just his cup of tea. Me, well the whole time in there I Just kept imagining that they would lock the doors and not let us out. Then it was torture time. I kept backing up to make sure the doors were still open. I couldn't wait to get away from all that painful stuff. Ug. Later that night we went on a ghost tour, which had a bunch of rowdy high schoolers that ruined the whole thing. But what really made me mad is that the bars here close at 11 and 12 pm!!! Clubs stay open all night but bars no! We were supposed to be dropped off at a bar after the tour but couldn't because it was closed by the time we got there! HOW STUPID! But we found a place near the hostel there and had some good Chezk Beer! MMMM! I probley won't drink beer for a year when I get home cause I have consumed so much over here. Thats it for now. Mej Se!
Monday, March 20, 2006
Praha day two
Prague is called Praha here, I like how we name cities and countries with our own names. Danny and I have had quite a day today. We started out with some good coffee. That was nice, I who once drank coffee by the pots have barley had any in three weeks. So I was booming this morning when i had coffee. They drink Turkish coffee here which is strong with grains left in the bottom. I like it. After that we went on a walking tour for over four hours. We saw alot of Prague, including the Jewish Ghetto, a astronomical coo-coo clock, St. George's Bridge, and Prague Castle. Wow, the tour was not as good as in Munich (that and the one in Munich was free!) St. George's bridge was awesome though, we are going back tommorow to really get a good luck. Danny and I rubbed a statue that garuentees we come back to Prague and get a wish that will come true. We really like it here, it is kind of like New Orleans with even more personaility. Then we went and ate at a midevil resturant. We couldn't read the menu so we told the waiter to bring us something good. We got some excellent beer and the traditional Czech dinner which is meat and potatoes. But its alot of meat and potatoes. He brought out a plate of four diffrent kinds of Potatoe pancakes, good but dry, french fry type potatoes, then it had ham, chicken brest, ribs, duck (first time eating that, not to bad), saurerkraut and peas. This plate was massive, but we did good and ate alomst half. It was teh first time this trip that danny and i have been stuffed to our gills for 20 bucks. I love Czech. Thats about it for today. Měj se!
by the way if you want to see our hostel go to
by the way if you want to see our hostel go to
Prague at Midnight
So a big tip to others is don't get to a forign city, have no place to stay, and have none of their currency in your pocket...not much fun. We got to Prague around 11pm last night. It was not bad, minus the drunk homeless man that speaking chekz who wouldn't leave danny alone (actually danny has that southern hospitality thing where he won't just walk away with out trying to say excuse me I need to go now but it was nice talking to you. None of which the man understood) Then we walked for awhile with a few places to stay in mind but no idea how to get to them. That and the metro stops running at 12 (which we couldn't get on because we have no cash on us) In Prague they use the Crowns or something like that. Finally around 1 we found a home in Prague, they even let us stay the night and we without paying up front. I was kinda scared I think Danny was too though he will deny it all day. But its just intimidating being in a whole new city in a forgin country late at night with no idea which way is left and which is right. Though Venice was scarier cause when we arrived all we saw was water and we had no idea how to get around there at all. Anywho, we are going on a walking tour today and then just taking in Prague. So far it seems pretty minus the whole last night being scared thing. When we rode in we saw the Prague Castle all lit up on the top of the mountian. If I was a civilan from long ago it woiuld have been intimidating. Anyways I've written enough for now, but this hostel has free internet so I'll try to be more up to date..Grubb Gott (i'm looking up how to say bye here for the next post.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
going to prague
leaving tonight for prague. We have gone from really warm weather to the heart of cold. We loved munich. Last night Sebastian took us to a bar with some of his friends then we went to this HUGE club. It was awesome, the kind of place Heather will love when she comes here. We also went to Dashu yesterday, it was rather depressing but it really gave perspective to what a concentration camp was like. On the front of the gate as you walk in there is a german sign that says work brings freedom. It was just somber. We have loved munich its so pretty and clean. When we go to Berlin in a little it is supposdly very diffrent. They are really excited about the World Cup coming here but none of the locals can get tickets. Anyways about to go eat some more baviarian food with sebastian before we leave( I love the sasuages!). Grubb Gott.
going to prague
leaving tonight for prague. We have gone from really warm weather to the heart of cold. We loved munich. Last night Sebastian took us to a bar with some of his friends then we went to this HUGE club. It was awesome, the kind of place Heather will love when she comes here. We also went to Dashu yesterday, it was rather depressing but it really gave perspective to what a concentration camp was like. On the front of the gate as you walk in there is a german sign that says work brings freedom. It was just somber. We have loved munich its so pretty and clean. When we go to Berlin in a little it is supposdly very diffrent. They are really excited about the World Cup coming here but none of the locals can get tickets. Anyways about to go eat some more baviarian food with sebastian before we leave( I love the sasuages!). Grubb Gott.
Friday, March 17, 2006
lloove munich
having fun in munich..sorry if my typing is bad but its reallz hard to write on a german keyboard. we are having a great time..tomorow we are going to dascund the concentration camp to see will be we met a bunch of kick ass england lads at the hobrahous, then we found sebastian.which is awesome we had a good time drinking together last night.the beer here will reallz knock your socks good but so strong..other then that love munich and sad we have to leave it so fast..
Thursday, March 16, 2006
munich daz two
Todaz dannz and I had a busz daz..we saw the glockenspiel..which was lame lame lame..its a big coo coo clock. but its lame we went to Viktualienmarkt.which is a wasnt that exciting but the things we did see were the monkez tower, which has a great storz about ludwig getting taken bz a monkez to the top of the tower. we also went to the hofbrähaus..which is a famous beer hall with goood beer.. we did some other sightseeing all over the place..munich is wonderful. and mm the beer is good beer we definatlz love the beer..thats about it for todaz. Grüb Gott
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
We are in Munich!! its beautiful here..and on the way here we passed through the alps and danny was astounded by how big thez were and the snow. By the waz the z,s and the y,s are backwards here so sorrz in advance. Anzwho Venice was great and beautiful minus my 80 dollar meal which pissed me off. Tip donät eat the fish! because as the punez little waiter told me after the check..ahh here in venice we charge for fish by the 100 gram..grrr..the train ride todaz was looong it was 7 hours. We canät wait to explore munich more is cold here though..brr..but hez i canät moan to much..iäm cold in germanz...okaz this whole kezboard is so messed up..sorrz if its confusing. Iäm off to drink mz bear now...Ciao
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
money money money
How to drop 62 euro on one meal (around 80 dollars)
Get a house wine
bottle of water
one pizza
and one peice of stupid fish that is supposed to cost 7 euro but since you get charged by the gram it is 35 euro...
other then that were in venice which is georgous..leaving for munich tommorow...i fed pigions in st. marks sq while danny laughed as i got crapped on
dont have any time left..will write more when in munich..
Get a house wine
bottle of water
one pizza
and one peice of stupid fish that is supposed to cost 7 euro but since you get charged by the gram it is 35 euro...
other then that were in venice which is georgous..leaving for munich tommorow...i fed pigions in st. marks sq while danny laughed as i got crapped on
dont have any time left..will write more when in munich..
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Greece is GEORGOUS! We are staying on the little island of Corfu and it is so wonderful. Our hotel looks out onto the ocean which is a perfect shade of green. Sorry its taken me so long to blog. The internet here is extremley slow so it gets agravating trying to check my mail and blog. My apologies. Anyways we got here on tuesday and went walking to the beach. Then after we were done with that we ended up just resting most of the day since the trip over here was so tumoloutous. To get to Corfu we had to take a 5 hour train to Bari Italy from Roma which was not bad except it was a compartment train with six people in it. No body talked. So Danny and I spent 5 hours in complete silence. After that we had to figure out where the port was to get to Greece. Found that with relative ease then we got our tickets. Since we have Eurorail tickets we got free boat tickets which was cool. Only problem is they were deck seats so when we got on the boat we were shoved into lounge chairs one level above the bar. Around 10 we were trying to go to sleep when it happened. The lights dimmed and the music started blarring. We were on top of the discotech! arg needless to say we didn't sleep. At 5 in the morning we had to get off the boat at Ignosomthing Greece and get a ferry to Corfu. Not bad except everything was closed so we couldn't find out where the ferry was at. After an hour of walking in the rain we found it! And got here. But it was so worth it. Yesterday (Wensday) we rented four-wheelers with some americans from wisconsin (who love us since we went to Brett Farves college) which are street legal here and rode around for 7 hours. All the greeks would wave and smile at us.This place really is a little spot of heven. Oh and we get free greek food for supper every night which is SO delicous. The olives here are awesome and I didn't even like olives before this trip. Anywho thats about it for now. sorry about the delay.
P.S. In rome one night we sat down at a restraunt and started talking and these two women next to us asked where we were from, turns out they were also from Mississippi from Resovoir, which is in the Jackson area. They were here traveling around Rome for a week. Just thinking its a small small world.
I don't know how to say bye in greek yet so ciao.
P.S. In rome one night we sat down at a restraunt and started talking and these two women next to us asked where we were from, turns out they were also from Mississippi from Resovoir, which is in the Jackson area. They were here traveling around Rome for a week. Just thinking its a small small world.
I don't know how to say bye in greek yet so ciao.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
next up greece.
In Roma, We have been to Vatican City and saw the old pope. Then off to Trevi fountian, and Spanish steps and a hundred other things. Been eating alot of pizza and having a good time. Tommorow we leave for greece. We will be staying at the pink palace in corfu. You can look it up at Ciao
Saturday, March 04, 2006
In Roma..its really nice though dirty. Yesterday Danny and I walked and walked and walked..we went to the Collisuem which took us three hours to find. Man are they trying hard to keep that think in one peice. Its like a bad school project with cement in spots, asphalt and other misc. things holding it together. After that we spent a few hours in the Roman Forum and Palantine Hill. That was actually quite beautiful. Today we are off to Vatican City to go say hi to the pope. Ciao
Thursday, March 02, 2006
After a quick train road, walk, 19 hour boat ride and another 1 hour train ride we are in Roma. Eating a nice pasta supper tonight but we have to change hostels tommorow oh well. The landscape as the boat was leaving barcalona was magnificint. The boat was a miny cruise and since there were not many people on it we had free run of the place. Thats about it for now.
P.s. Christie we love you very much and wish we were with you right now. Keep in touch, please.
P.s. Christie we love you very much and wish we were with you right now. Keep in touch, please.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
ta ta barcelona
Barcelona has been fun but tonight we are going on a ferry boat across the Meditrean Sea to Rome. We´ll arrive in Rome tommorow around 3ish. Not much else going on here. Just walking and taking in the sites. We went on another bar crawl last night and met alot of new people. We also saw some Gaudi buildings and walked along the coast. The streets here are real narrow and you feel like your in the middle ages walking down them. Georgous town. Adios
Monday, February 27, 2006
Finally made it
In Barcelona. WHOOO HOO.. After a six hour train ride we finally made it here. We stopped outside of Bacelona for an hour, couldn´t understand the conductor so I am not sure why something with construction or something. Tried to find one hostel and failed so now we are at another right next to Rambles which is apparantly ¨The In Street¨ It is beautiful here the sea is georgous and I really like it. Will write more after I had a few Barcelonian experiences.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Still in Madrid
Hello. Still in Madrid. Could not get a train to Barcelona today so we are leaving at 7 in the morning tommorow and will get there around lunch time. Danny and I spent the day doing laundry, drinking the coffee and taking in some more Madrid. I was thinking I would list my favorite things of the trip so far.
Amsterdam- Walking to the Indoneasian restraunt when the snow started to fall and we were in Dam Square. It was absolutley breath taking
Paris- sitting in the rain on the last night waiting for an hour for the eifle tower to light up. It was so pretty and just fun waiting while we were getting poured on.
Madrid- its a toss up between the bar crawl which was great and last night going out then coming home and it started to snow.
I know there mostly weather related but when your outside all the time its what strikes you.
Oh and today danny saw what snow looks like when it is really built up on the ground. He enjoyed stomping around and getting me covered in snow.
Thats it for now. Till next time.
Amsterdam- Walking to the Indoneasian restraunt when the snow started to fall and we were in Dam Square. It was absolutley breath taking
Paris- sitting in the rain on the last night waiting for an hour for the eifle tower to light up. It was so pretty and just fun waiting while we were getting poured on.
Madrid- its a toss up between the bar crawl which was great and last night going out then coming home and it started to snow.
I know there mostly weather related but when your outside all the time its what strikes you.
Oh and today danny saw what snow looks like when it is really built up on the ground. He enjoyed stomping around and getting me covered in snow.
Thats it for now. Till next time.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Last few days in madrid
So we are leaving Madrid tommorow ¨( it´s been one of my favorite cites so far. We went to a modern art museum today, called renia was wonderful, lots of cool paintings but there were alot of things i´m not sure are really art..tommorow we are leaving for barcelona and going to stay there for a few days before we go to Roma. Been going to carníval parades and parties here. This town is quite the party town. Thats about it for now..nothing that intresting to talk about right now..oh danny and i did our one meal a week thing..we were not real sure what we were ordering and it turns out i ate a peice of meat that took hours to chew and salad with somthing fishy smelling on it..danny got a bowl of rice with like baby clams and some other random sea organisms...we managed to get it down though we are pretty sure its not going to stay there.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Madrid Bar Crawl
So last night we went on a bar crawl and had quite the time. There was a irish man, some argentinaias, english girl, german guy, some candians, some americans and us. First stop a pirate bar. Started with a tequilla shot. Oh boy I hate tequilla, but I took it anyways. Then danny got a drink but she miss understood him so he actually got three drinks..Off to a great start. A bunch of us got on the dance floor and were booging away and even danny started dancing his european dance which is him just bobing around. After that bar we left and went on to an argentina party..oh boy. another tequilla shot. But this time I ordered the drinks nad got the proper amount. We start dancing and doing a salsa?? line. Then after that it was to another bar. This time the tequilla shot was very big, that I could not even finish it. It was starting to make me want to barf. We danced around and then went off to another club. Phew Not a Tequilla shot this time, it was something a wee bit sweeter, which was nice. At this point I am done drinking and Danny has only one more. I am not sure the effects tequilla will have on me so i limit my other drinks. Danny and i get on the dance floor once more and boogey for awhile. Then we went off to a salsa club. It was the same one we went to the night before but this time I really tried to salsa..and i suck..i´m such a white girl. Anyways. It was such a great night.
20 Euros..for the bar crawl
30 Euros for drinks and food afterwards
Last night with Danny dancing- Priceless
ha ha that was corney
20 Euros..for the bar crawl
30 Euros for drinks and food afterwards
Last night with Danny dancing- Priceless
ha ha that was corney
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
This sucks
More news from Madrid
Today was an exciting day in the lovley town of Madrid..Danny woke me up rudley by turning on my bed side light. Boy oh Boy did he see the wrath of Morning Amy and its not pretty. Anyways after waking up going outside and stopping twice for coffee our day got started. We walked around for awhile and went to the Royal Palace of Madrid. It was emense with 2900 rooms. As Danny and I were walking around we were deciding what we would make each room if it were our palace. We decided we would put dirt in the plaza in the middle of the palace and then burry all the junk...i mean artifacts in the dirt. Then we would let blue go and dig them up. When he found one we would then give it to charity so we wouldn´t piss the spanish public off to much. After that we went to plaza Mayor which has really old Spanish arcituture and it was relally nice. Its cold here only 6 degrees outside. Thats celcius of course. Danny and I are losing weight because food is expensive so if you want to send money thats cool. We´ll eat a meal on ya. Thats about it for now. Tonight Danny and I are doing a bar crawl with a bunch of other people. Were going to like four bars and a club or two. Last night Danny and I went out and tried to salsa was amusing. I´m going to take a salsa lesson tommorow night and try to learn some what. Thats about it..Oh and one more funny thing..everytime someone speaks to danny in spanish, he gets nervous and can´t think of what to say so in a real thick southeren drawl he goes..Uh English..its funny cause everyone just looks at him funny. I´ve told him 100 times its no habla espanol but he just freezes and goes uh english..its funny and puts me in stitches everytime. Adios
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Got to Madrid after a day of train riding..It took 14 hours by train to get here. The train in Paris was nice and fast though a little uncomfortable. But then we had to stop on the border of Spain at Irun then get a diffrent train to finish our trip..OH MY GOD. It seriously went like 10 miles an hour the whole entire trip. Then getting to Madrid the Metro at the train station we were at was broken so we had to walk thirty minutes away to get to another metro station. But we found a hostel called Los can look at the web site at a nice place to stay and its the got the best showers i´ve had on this enitre trip..
Amsterdam shower, Could change the temp. but the shower head was clogged so had to use a facuet..not fun..especially when i went to take the first shower and tried to change the water to go to the shower started coming out of the pipes scalding hot..i almost ran out to the common room naked because it was burning me so bad.
Paris Shower, outside in the patio..water was luke warm but you had to push a button every thirty seconds to get more water
Madrid Shower, normal shower no problems. It was wonderful..when you lose some luxuries to life you really do appreciate the small ones you get like a great shower..
Anyways havn´t watched T.V. since I´ve been here and i don´t miss it..though i do miss watching danny and i are taking it easy cause we are so tired..tommorow were going to see the sites
thats it for now..
Amsterdam shower, Could change the temp. but the shower head was clogged so had to use a facuet..not fun..especially when i went to take the first shower and tried to change the water to go to the shower started coming out of the pipes scalding hot..i almost ran out to the common room naked because it was burning me so bad.
Paris Shower, outside in the patio..water was luke warm but you had to push a button every thirty seconds to get more water
Madrid Shower, normal shower no problems. It was wonderful..when you lose some luxuries to life you really do appreciate the small ones you get like a great shower..
Anyways havn´t watched T.V. since I´ve been here and i don´t miss it..though i do miss watching danny and i are taking it easy cause we are so tired..tommorow were going to see the sites
thats it for now..
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Goodbye Paris
Paris has been a town of walking, museums, and outdoor monuments. We saw the Louve and asked why are you smiling Mona Lisa? We've walked down Champ de Ellsyes, been to Versillle. Its been fun Paris, but today we are leaving for Madrid. Today we plan on going to Piscasso or just sitting in a park and people watching. We have roamed your streets for six days now and its time for us to go.
Friday, February 17, 2006
shoe fettish
Kinda had a relaxed lame day today...Spent £15 doing laundry.....yikes that was only on one load of clothes.Then we went and got our rail tickets to Madrid, leaving Sunday. They wanted £120 for a sleeping car..on top of thet fact that we have a rail instead we got a seat to the border then another to Madrid...its' going to take close to ten hours to get there..oh well..We went and saw the royal palace which wasn't that impressive...then Danny did the meanst thing in the world to me..he took me to a French Mall where they had a floor dedicated to designer i wanted and wished for some..they were beautiful...oh it was torture..thats about it. today we are going to the louve finally..and the arc de triumph..thats it for now..
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
another day another 100 miles
Enjoying my time in Paris. Today's goal was to see the Louve, but like the rest of our trip it didn't go as planned. Last night Danny went to bed early and I stayed downstairs in the hostel bar and got a little tipsy on wine. Needless to say I moved slow this morning. Made a new french friend though named Pierre. So today wee went oveerr to the louve only to find out that fridays after six it is free. As we backed off the line to talk about it we were offered two free tickets inside. After I got the tickets danny decided it was entrapment and we were going to go to French prision over £8.50 tickets. So we didn't use them. Instead we went to Notre Dame, the bastille, Pantheon, Latin Quaters, and other misc. walking. I am thinking about cutting my legs off so Danny won't make me walk over gods green earth anymore. We walk close to six hours or more a day right now. NOT AN EXAGERATION! thats in for now..
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
greetings from paris
in paris..danny and i are staying at the three ducks hostel. our roomates are from argentina which is cool. today we saw napoleans tomb and the eiffle tower. the tomb was emense. I also managed to put my credit card in the machine to try and get metro tickets, apparently it is only for french cards though. so i told the attendent who proceeded to yell at me in french for like 30 minutes. He made me run around the station with him, why, i'm not sure. Meanwhile Danny stood there with my stuck card getting yelled at cause no one could use the machine. Anyways thats about it for now so bon voyage from paris.
Monday, February 13, 2006
day five
Leaving for Paris today , can't wait...Yesterday danny and I did a museum then ate indoneasian was yummy..i had beef in cocnut milk and a traditional indoniasian cake for dessert. It snowed here for hours yesterday so we frooze our butts off. It was really pretty though..none of it stuck to the ground though..thats it for now..gotta shower and pack..tots zien
Sunday, February 12, 2006
day 4 part 2
Day Four..night time edition..
Went to the Red Light District..can't decide whether its the men that are nasty or the women for letting was amusing no the a car crash you can't help but offered cocaine ten times there, i started counting cause it was funny they ask you in like ten diffrent lanuages till you notice them then they are like you want some..they say its just dish washing soap though...its safe though there is 24 hour survalience there with cameras..any ways went a beer bar and had some local stuff then went to a club called teasers and got extremley overpriced drinks..thats it for now..
Went to the Red Light District..can't decide whether its the men that are nasty or the women for letting was amusing no the a car crash you can't help but offered cocaine ten times there, i started counting cause it was funny they ask you in like ten diffrent lanuages till you notice them then they are like you want some..they say its just dish washing soap though...its safe though there is 24 hour survalience there with cameras..any ways went a beer bar and had some local stuff then went to a club called teasers and got extremley overpriced drinks..thats it for now..
Saturday, February 11, 2006
day like the most consecutive sleep in a night since i've been here. Woke up at ten and went to the free breakfast..two boiled eggs and two peices of bread (one white one wheat. kinda weird) then we FINALLY went to the Van Gogh muesuem..wasn't all its cracked up to be..when i look at art I like to sit back and enjoy it, but since it was saturday it was pretty crowded so we had to move in an assembly line down the way to look at the paintings..there were some really good peices there though..after that danny and i walked and found a restraunt with some of the best split pea soup i've ever had (apparently its really big here.) Danny commented on how he'd never heard of some of the food here and i had..then he figured it out since i'm from pa dutch area its very similar guy moved into the room today..he's from japan, he seems pretty cool..better then my sorority sisters anyways. Were going out tonight and danny wants to try abstenith..i'm not sure i want him too but hes been begging since we got here so maybe i'll let him have a way am i trying that the way there is internet at my hostel..just couldn't get onto the blogspot site last night to write..oh well thats it for now..ready for paris..tired of amsterdam..tots zien.
Day three
Day 3
Found a hostel..its intresting..its called bob's youth hostel. We are on the fourth floor and considering the lobby is in the basement, thats alot of stairs. Narrow, sprial stairs..its fun, i'm a huffing and a puffing by the end of the time i get up there..ten beds in the room and 7 of them are sorority/greek people..ya that sucks..went to ann frank house, it was diffrent from how i always pictured it in my head..the rest of the day we walked around and drank cappicinos..danny and i are in the habbit right now of walking in circles.. we walk for awhile then turn then turn agian.. we must of crossed the same bridge 3-4 times. That night we went to a vodka bar. Then back to the hostel..thats it for day three. still no where to post pics.
Found a hostel..its intresting..its called bob's youth hostel. We are on the fourth floor and considering the lobby is in the basement, thats alot of stairs. Narrow, sprial stairs..its fun, i'm a huffing and a puffing by the end of the time i get up there..ten beds in the room and 7 of them are sorority/greek people..ya that sucks..went to ann frank house, it was diffrent from how i always pictured it in my head..the rest of the day we walked around and drank cappicinos..danny and i are in the habbit right now of walking in circles.. we walk for awhile then turn then turn agian.. we must of crossed the same bridge 3-4 times. That night we went to a vodka bar. Then back to the hostel..thats it for day three. still no where to post pics.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Day 2
Today Danny and I were planning on seeing a muesuem..didn't happen..we walked for awhile till we found somewhere to eat breakfast this morning..i had a good english breakfast..danny had a burger on his quest to eat a hamburger in every country...then we walked to the central train station to get tram passes and a eurorail ticket..on that trip we found the red light district..intresting..anywho..continued to the train station and got our stuff then decided to walk around agian..we walked for another few hours..this town is really pretty and intresting so its alot of fun to just walk and look and stop get a cappicino and walk some more..when we left it was 5pm and we stopped got some break and cheese and came rode the tram home i discovered how far we walked today..gees it was alot..that's about it..tommorow were out of the hotel and into the hostel so danny and i are having a low key night just hanging out..our time is still messed up so we are just trying to adjust...that's about it for day two....lno where to post pictures yet so when i find a place to do that i will..
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
day 1 in amsterdam
Okay we found the hotel...phew that only took like 5 hours....anywho..we wandered enough around this city today that we have our bearings..five hours with a 25 lb pack on equals not much fun.. but it was an adventure...went to sleep at like 2 there time and woke up at midnight now its close to three in the morning and were wide awake tooling around on the internet...i'll post pics tommorow if i can..feel free to e-mail me at , also still taking donations if you want to help the amy in europe fund that would rock..i'll write more later..
tots zien. (that's dutch for good bye i think)
tots zien. (that's dutch for good bye i think)
Lost in Amsterdam
In's 1:12 here and danny and i can not find the now were at a cafe chilling..i'll write later if i can find the hotel
Monday, February 06, 2006
Ladies and gentlemen..danny and i have made it to PA this morning..and we are two days away from being in Europe for seven weeks..I'll try to post as regularly as possible while i'm there..ohh i'm so other news blue is going to be staying with the parents. I don't quite think he knows whats about to hit him. Later
Friday, January 27, 2006
Hwy 90
Went to the Coast today to visit Danny. We drove down Hwy 90..everything looks the same. Stuff still piled everywhere. Five monthes later and the pictures really don't show any progress, though a little is being made.

I feel weird posting pictures up here of the coast but I just want to show anyone who might be looking at this blog how bad it still is.

I feel weird posting pictures up here of the coast but I just want to show anyone who might be looking at this blog how bad it still is.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006
It's getting late.

It is now approaching 5:30 in the morning..and I'm still awake...spent last night watching Cabin Fever, 40 Year Old Virgin, and Two for the money........and were still rocking.......What else is there to do, being I have a part time job, Ben just got back from Iraq and now has nothing to do, and Heather, well she has to be at school at nine HA HA and she is still up for some miracoulous reason. She is going to be miserable tommorow.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
who loves you

The bestest friends blue and brando got together agian..trouble has ensued...Other then that the other two pictures are of heather for her husband in Kuwait in the military....I'm going to post some pictures of her birthday party as soon as she gives me the pictures so you need to start bugging her about three posts in an hour..i'm on a roll
so many questions??????
As a child I always I just thought I was the worlds worst girl scout. I only had around three badges on my sash...turns out my mom was the lazy one and hid my badges so she did not have to sew them on. 

Years later they pop up as do so many questions about my childhood. What other secrets were kept or hidden. Where are thoose shirts I bought when I was allowed to go shopping by myself for the first time. Do my parents love me. (well not that one but I figured I'd give it a shot) I'm just so upset that I was the only kid with three badges.
And thanks to the person who found them and sent them to me..I appreciate the blackmail..Mom I'll try to let you make it up to me..It'll just be hard :)
passports are for losers

Monday, January 23, 2006
no money no fun
It's late...Can't sleep...WHERE IS MY PASSPORT?? I think Blue got pissed and decided he didn't want us to leave him so he not only hid my passport but he delayed Danny's from getting here on time...Nothing is going like it is supposed to right now...and in the midst of it my apartment is trashed as I am trying to move..I hate moving. But it will work out..only if anyone has 200 dollars to donate to the Amy has to get her passport replaced because she's a dumbass and put it in such a safe place she can not find it and now needs to get a new one fast which is damn expensive because she was sure she knew where it was and decided to start looking for it last week fund. Send checks via Fed-Ex overnight. If you don't want to donate to that fund and just want to donate to the Amy wants to go to Europe so bad but really could use a few extra dollars fund that would be also greatly appreciated.
No I'm not above begging
Damn it I started listening to Phantom of the Opera and I packed my movies so now I gotta go digging so I can watch the movie and go to sleep. Ha Danny is going to be so pissed because he's the one who spent an hour organizing them so they all fit into the box.
Also any contributions to the Amy needs money to move fund are also kick ass...

This is the disaster I'm living in right now.....Hate moving Hate moving.
No I'm not above begging
Damn it I started listening to Phantom of the Opera and I packed my movies so now I gotta go digging so I can watch the movie and go to sleep. Ha Danny is going to be so pissed because he's the one who spent an hour organizing them so they all fit into the box.
Also any contributions to the Amy needs money to move fund are also kick ass...

Friday, January 20, 2006
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Birthday Drama
Went out last night to celebrate Danny and Heather's Birthday. Danny and I started out by going to Sakura, mmm my favorite, sushi yummy! I don't know why he decided there, he likes it but not to the extent My food was good, Danny got Salmon Terriaki that was super dry. From their we headed out to St. Elmo's where we drank, talked, and played the crack machine. It was so awesome. Afterwards we went to Ropers to celebrate Heather's b-day. Having a good time til some stupid drama went down. Whatever, i hate that shit. I got extremely mad and after Danny helped calm the situation down we left. Don't want to go into what it was about cause its not even my buisness but for god's sake it really ruined my night. I am bitter right now. But i'm also assuming their are some people pretty P.O'd at me too whatever. I'm over it and from now on Danny and I will fly solo and not be brought down in that shit. Anywho watching Cinderella Man right now. Its all right but a little slow. I'm thinking of seeing a matinee tommorow of another movie just havn't decided what yet.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Family Stone
Saw the Family Stone last night. Pretty good, though extremley predictable. Sarah Jessica Parker plays a bitch in the movie. Speaking of which, she is not aging nicely at all. The girl needs a sandwich, wait scracth that she needs a MANWHICH. Her face is so damn gaunt looking. Rachael McAdams kinda stole the movie away from SJP. And WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO DIANE KEATON. When did she start dressing like a 60 year old fortune teller you met in a random tent in the middle of nowhere? just my thoughts. Anyways, like i said it was good though nothing original. at least they didn't have special effects problems like other prementioned films.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
TV. And Movies
I need to apologize to all those I love. In the last few years I have discovered quite a few good shows and passed them on to my family members. But for passing on 24 I am sorry. THAT SHOW SUCKS! It doesn't suck so much as it constantly annoys the hell out of me. I'm wrapping up season 2 right now and rather feel like yelling. My parents have had earfuls of my ranting now its ya'lls turn. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON. And JACK IS NOT SUPERMAN! Thanks..That's all I have to say about that. I don't want to continue because I'll just be giving away spoilers to those of you who may not have seen it yet. But if you haven't stay away. Its highly addicting and highly bad. (yes a show can be both) GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
On to other pressing matters. I saw King Kong last night. I was not that thrilled with it. People will comment that it is because I am to picky about movies, but when that much money is spent it should be done right. Did anyone else know how much King Kong grew and shrank through out the movie. His height was constantly changing and his dimensions make little sense. Also I was annoyed silly when their was a visible change from a set to a blue screen. The background just went flat. Technology is their so we can avoid these things, if were going to pay that much time to the monkey, pay attention to everything else. I know Peter Jackson is a man of details so these careless failures made no sense. Sometimes I just felt like I was watching that came out 40 years ago with the bad graphic. Okay onto dislike number three, it was to long. Many scenes could have be shortened and cut some more without losing the plot and character development. But since its Peter Jackson and he made bank with LOTR trilogy and won buku in oscars he can make a movie however long he wants to. BUT ITS A MOVIE ABOUT A BIG GORILLA, NOT A LONG DRAMARIC EPIC. also i didn't buy the fact that Ann fell in love with the monkey, but maybe thats just me. To finish my rant on things it wasn't the worst thing I've seen in, but it wasn't the best. I was entertained but at times got extremely ansy. I guess I'm just upset cause it doesn't look like Brokeback Mountain is coming to the Mississippi region anytime soon, does that surprise anyone. Okay I am done, sorry to any poor soul who actually read this whole thing. Its a lot easier for me to quickly type my rants though then to continue bugging everyone I know about them. I'm Out!
On to other pressing matters. I saw King Kong last night. I was not that thrilled with it. People will comment that it is because I am to picky about movies, but when that much money is spent it should be done right. Did anyone else know how much King Kong grew and shrank through out the movie. His height was constantly changing and his dimensions make little sense. Also I was annoyed silly when their was a visible change from a set to a blue screen. The background just went flat. Technology is their so we can avoid these things, if were going to pay that much time to the monkey, pay attention to everything else. I know Peter Jackson is a man of details so these careless failures made no sense. Sometimes I just felt like I was watching that came out 40 years ago with the bad graphic. Okay onto dislike number three, it was to long. Many scenes could have be shortened and cut some more without losing the plot and character development. But since its Peter Jackson and he made bank with LOTR trilogy and won buku in oscars he can make a movie however long he wants to. BUT ITS A MOVIE ABOUT A BIG GORILLA, NOT A LONG DRAMARIC EPIC. also i didn't buy the fact that Ann fell in love with the monkey, but maybe thats just me. To finish my rant on things it wasn't the worst thing I've seen in, but it wasn't the best. I was entertained but at times got extremely ansy. I guess I'm just upset cause it doesn't look like Brokeback Mountain is coming to the Mississippi region anytime soon, does that surprise anyone. Okay I am done, sorry to any poor soul who actually read this whole thing. Its a lot easier for me to quickly type my rants though then to continue bugging everyone I know about them. I'm Out!
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Good Dog, Bad Dog
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Friends Forever
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