Friday, February 17, 2006

shoe fettish

Kinda had a relaxed lame day today...Spent £15 doing laundry.....yikes that was only on one load of clothes.Then we went and got our rail tickets to Madrid, leaving Sunday. They wanted £120 for a sleeping car..on top of thet fact that we have a rail instead we got a seat to the border then another to Madrid...its' going to take close to ten hours to get there..oh well..We went and saw the royal palace which wasn't that impressive...then Danny did the meanst thing in the world to me..he took me to a French Mall where they had a floor dedicated to designer i wanted and wished for some..they were beautiful...oh it was torture..thats about it. today we are going to the louve finally..and the arc de triumph..thats it for now..

1 comment:

B.D. said...

Tell Danny he picked the wrong time to go to Amsterdam.

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (AP) - There may be no such thing as a free lunch, but occasionally there's a cheap feast for the eyes.

Several topless bars, peep shows and sex show clubs in Amsterdam's famed "Red Light" prostitution district have declared an open house on Feb. 18, hoping to shore up their reputation with local politicians who are calling for a crackdown.

"You can come in, have a free drink, look around," said Bob de Maan, spokesman for the "Banana Bar," which is known for its live sex shows.

"People think that this is something dirty, but now - it's an open house. They can see for themselves."