Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Hey ya'll! Still sitting here in Mississippi. Danny and I are still putting the house back together, maybe tommorow i'll post pictures of where we are living. anywho, I am just working and writing latley. Finished the book Reading Lolita in Tehran. Extremly good. Also been reading this screenwriting book that is kind of depressing me because it just continously tells you how impossible a field it is. But i got a spefy new screen writing program so i've been dedicating some of my day now to writing a screen play. It will probley never see the light of day but I've got creative juices flowing and gotta get them out.

I am extremly anxious about moving to California though a little timid. Not sure what I am getting myself into. People always ask details about this and that but I'm never quite sure what to tell them. I'm going home on June 1st for a week and a half. After that its Danny's brothers wedding then were off to Cali.

Other then that nothing else that exciting is going on. As an internet junkie I decided to put some of my favorite blogs down for anyone who is intrested
www.silentbobspeaks.com - its a blog by Kevin Smith. I love to read it he cracks me up.
www.trent.blogspot.com - fun celebrity gossip site.
www.richardwest75.blogspot.com - my friend richards site who is in Kuwait right now with the military
www.jennsylvania.com - author of the the funny book Bitter is the New Black. Great website.
that is all just to name a few. If you got any other funny ones let me know. Love reading blogs.

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