Thursday, March 23, 2006


Prague is awesome! Yesterday Danny and I just walked all over the city. We took in the shops and the arcitcture. This city is has so much personality. We bought ourselves a few souviners since we havn't bought much this whole trip. The prices here are reasonably cheap and its nice not to be blowing a ton of money. Last night we went out and tried the Pilsner beer. Its rather good, nothing like US beer, but German beer is still the best. Prague restraunts like to overcharge customers or short them their change. At one bar what should have cost 270 Crowns cost us 450. I was pissed but didn't feel like fighting it so I just didn't tip instead. It is just agravating, cause apparently they did a recent survey and said that almost 60 percent of bars and restraunts do this. So when in Prague watch the check and your change. Today Danny and I sat around and went for a nice meal. I got pork tenderloin with plum in the middle, so good! They say Chekz food isn't good but I like it. The only thing I havn't liked is the traditional sasuage/hot dog. It was crunchy on the outside and just rather nasty. We are getting sad that our time here is almost up but We've still got one more city left, Berlin, which we leave for on sat. night. AHOJ!

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