Wednesday, March 15, 2006


We are in Munich!! its beautiful here..and on the way here we passed through the alps and danny was astounded by how big thez were and the snow. By the waz the z,s and the y,s are backwards here so sorrz in advance. Anzwho Venice was great and beautiful minus my 80 dollar meal which pissed me off. Tip donät eat the fish! because as the punez little waiter told me after the check..ahh here in venice we charge for fish by the 100 gram..grrr..the train ride todaz was looong it was 7 hours. We canät wait to explore munich more is cold here though..brr..but hez i canät moan to much..iäm cold in germanz...okaz this whole kezboard is so messed up..sorrz if its confusing. Iäm off to drink mz bear now...Ciao

1 comment:

B.D. said...

Dudette you are in GERMANY not Italy time to drop the ciao and go with auf wiedersehen