Monday, May 01, 2006


sorry for the lack of updates. but due to the lack of internet access its been difficult. But i just thought i'd give a little update on what is going on in my world right now. I am back in Mississippi living in Long Beach. Its just temporary then I am headed for Los Angles. Danny and I are in the middle of renovating a house (well more Danny then me) and I am writing a screenplay. Not sure where its headed yet other then its about the south. I was thinking about all the diffrences from the rest of the country to down here and I was wondering if anyone had any good sayings or things that southerns do that are funny. Things such as everybody is refered to as Miss (insert first name here). It doesn't matter if there married or not thats there name. Or how Cool Whip is like its own food group down here. If you got any other funny ones e-mail me or post them on the site..thanks

tot tot

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