Monday, August 29, 2005
1:40 Am
It is 1:40 in the morning..still up..parinoid about the hurricane even though I know I will be all right. As of right now the wind is starting to pick up some but its not raining yet. I'll try and stay posted till I lose power which will happen eventually. The hurricane will be a cat 1 or 2 when it hits us. Hopefully there is not to much damage.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
I am hoping that this storm is not going to be as devastating to New Orleans and the coast as it sounds like its going to be. It's 11:16 right now and in a few hours this area is going to be in a world of hurt and my heart is going out to all the people in danger of the storm. I just hope its turns out okay.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Every time a hurricane is supposed to hit here, i get frenetic nervous then I have my mom call me 80 times an hour to make sure I am surviving okay. And in the end all it is is just a little rain. So this time, I havn't gone to Wal-Mart to buy supplies, I am not nervous, and I don't think it'll be bad here. And I know in the pit of my stomach how WRONG i am. Its coming here no way around it. Maybe it'll change its path at the last minute and head to Mexico, that sure would be nice. But I doubt it. But this time I am going to rebel. I'm not buying supplies and I'm not going to get nervous. Mom you don't have to call me 80,000 times cause it'll be okay. I refuse to watch the news anymore because this afternoon I was watching CNN and he was talking about how the whole MS coast and New Orleans was going down and it is going to be so bad. He predicted that New Orleans would be under water for well over a year. Ha I think if it goes under no one really cares to bring it back out again. I'm not scared though it is not going to hit here. Screw it. What is there really to be scared of a little rain that would flood out my apartment thus ruining everything I own. A little wind tearing everything apart. How about the fact that since I decided not to go to WalMart and buy supplies I will probley starve to death too. Okay maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit but mom if you want to call me that's cool, Cause I'm scared.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Today was my last first day of school. Maybe one day agian I'll have another if i decide to get my master's but for now it was my last first day and it was kind of bittersweet. Though it will be nice to get out of school in December its kinda scary to be joining the real world.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
trip home

Then we got to do something I have been wanting to do every time I go to New York, go see a play we wanted to see this play........

But since you can't see it for the next 5 years we went and saw another play i have been wanting to see.

And Let me tell you.. it was awesome... I sang and laughed and bounced in my seat like a little kid. I love love love the theatre.
Well After that it was time to go home so we posed for one more pic.......
And said good night to NYC.
Progression of Hair
Sorry it's been awhile since I've written. Nothing has really been going on well that is until tonight.
It all started out of boredom, Danny's hair has become
way to long... Definitely in desperate need of a cut. Well since he's graduated college and needs a real job, we decided to give it a good whacking, or should I say Danny decided I just couldn't bear the thought of his long long locks being gone. After all we've been dating and its all I have ever known!
So away he went cutting away his gorgeous thick and curly hair.

Well he cut and cut, then I wanted to take a turn so I started cutting. Man it was a lot of hair!
Pretty Gross huh! Ya I thought so too. Well since I was cutting I decided I would have fun with it so I made Danny's head into a mullet. You know Business in the front and a
party in the back!
Whoo hoo and Danny sure can rock the mullet look!
Well then we decided we would go over to his cousins Ragan's band pratice and show him Danny's new look. Well Danny threw his cap on and the first thing Ragan did was bitch about Danny's hair and how long it was. Well Danny relectultly took off his cap and wholly hell was Rage surprised!
Well after that little Detour we decided to go back to the house and finish what we had started. So we filled the sink up with the rest of his hair 
Then after two hours we were
finally done, and here is the final product:
And Whalla it is short. I think he likes it, I know I do it is a nice change. But after five years of having long hair I think he is going to miss it. Maybe we'll have a little funeral for his lost locks tomorrow.
It all started out of boredom, Danny's hair has become

So away he went cutting away his gorgeous thick and curly hair.

Well he cut and cut, then I wanted to take a turn so I started cutting. Man it was a lot of hair!

Then after two hours we were

Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Nothing Going on
It's been a few days since my last post, sorry, if anyone even is reading this. Life has been pretty lame the last few days. Lots of work work and more work. Other than that I just read Silent Bob Speaks by Kevin Smith. It is pretty good but a little repetitive at times. He is just a really funny guy though so the book was amusing. Other than that I have been watching the crap out of some West Wing. That show is good especially the first season of it. Also been catching up on my Degrassi. Anyone who has never seen that show needs to watch it. It's about this Candian High School and the kids that go to it. Totally addictive. My old roomates used to hate it and get pissed when I would wait every week to watch it. Now since I have my six channels I don't really get to see it. Boo Hoo. Sorry I am rambling and I know this But i figured at least it was a post. The only other exciting thing going on is my friends are getting hitched on Saturday. Can't belive its actually happening but it is and then Richard has to go away for a year which sucks. Okay I am done babbling. Maybe next time I'll have something more exciting to post. Later Gators..
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