Thursday, July 21, 2005

Wedding Crashers

Saw Wedding Crashers Tonight, Awesome movie. My friends all say I am to critical of movies but I tend to disagree. I am just sick of seeing the same sterotypical plot with no imagination in it whatsoever. But Wedding Crashers, though predictable was very funny. It was not until the end that I became bored with it. It did not need to be two hours long, come to think of it comedies in general shouldn't be over 1 1/2 hours, they just loose there stanima. Other than that today was an averege run of the mill day. This is my first attempt at a post so sorry if it is not all that thrilling. Hopefully in days to come I can be more whitty and charming making all want to read my post. But for today I am tired and just testing this thing out.

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