Thursday, July 28, 2005

Mel Gibson

So Mel Gibson is making a movie about a 500 year old Mexican Culture in mayan dialect. Seriously the man is off his rocker. First he made Passion of the Christ where they had to force him to put subtitles so people could understand that story. When people have too much money they just seriously lose their shit. Look at Kevin Costner he makes Dances with Wolves, wins an Oscar then he goes nuts! First Waterworld, and because that wasn't bad enough and people had a few more dollars to throw away they decided to make The Postman. Now Mel is seriously losing his shit. The only thing Passions had going for it was that the church crowd went to see it in droves. And you know what, I AM HAPPY TO SAY I STILL HAVE NEVER SEEN THAT MOVIE. Who really wants to watch someone get toturted for three hours, i'd personally rather stick needles in my eyes but i guess that's just my preference. But now I think we will finally get to see the fall of Mel Gibson. And since Disney signed on with him there gonna be hurting too. GOOD then maybe people will one day go back to making decent movies.

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