Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Gotta Love A Good Nutcase

WHAT A NUTCASE CELEBIRTY! I hate hate Jane Fonda and her quest for attention. The woman needs to stay out of politics and stay in film where she's supposed to. Seriously it aggravates every inch of me that this woman can't keep her thoughts to herself. So now she's gonna drive her vegetable oil bus and annoy the rest of America! Does anyone else feel this way or is it just me. I really wish she would just keep her thoughts to herself. The woman probably has an IQ of zero and she just won't leave things alone. I highly doubt that she is doing this cause she cares about IRAQ. It's more likely that her alimony checks aren't paying for all her designer clothes or her huge mansion (which I’m sure takes tons electricity) and all her other Hybrid piece of shit cars. So now she must go out and press her opinion onto us because the first time she did it she did such a great job. http://apnews.myway.com/article/20050725/D8BIE6HO0.html

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She must also hate America due to her support of North Vietnam during that time frame also. I overall think she is a bitch and lacks the willingness to support her country.