Saturday, July 30, 2005

Sex and The City

Heather and I just finished Sex and The City. We watched all six seasons of it. OH how I love that show. It was sad to end it, but al least I wasn't crying for the last two episodes, which is more then I can say for some people.(ahem Heather!) she was making me laugh so hard with all her boo hooing. She told me shes just so emotinoal right now with the wedding only a week away. I told her she's a sap as I continued to laugh my ass off. I was tearing up because I was laughing so hard at her. Anyways, as always Samatha and Smith profess their love, Miranda gets a family, Charlotte gets her Chinese child and Carrie and Big get together. Never changes no matter how much I've seen it.

Friday, July 29, 2005

What happens when your neighbors decided to clog there toilet and and not tell anyone that theres a problem. There downstairs neighbor has to deal with the consiquences!

I collected that much water in the course of six hours before I could report it to anyone. Man on Man I love my neighbors. They always suprise me with how rude they can be. Just when I think its the last time and there is nothing worse they can do, they figure something else out. Well I've just decided that it's WAR!

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Mel Gibson

So Mel Gibson is making a movie about a 500 year old Mexican Culture in mayan dialect. Seriously the man is off his rocker. First he made Passion of the Christ where they had to force him to put subtitles so people could understand that story. When people have too much money they just seriously lose their shit. Look at Kevin Costner he makes Dances with Wolves, wins an Oscar then he goes nuts! First Waterworld, and because that wasn't bad enough and people had a few more dollars to throw away they decided to make The Postman. Now Mel is seriously losing his shit. The only thing Passions had going for it was that the church crowd went to see it in droves. And you know what, I AM HAPPY TO SAY I STILL HAVE NEVER SEEN THAT MOVIE. Who really wants to watch someone get toturted for three hours, i'd personally rather stick needles in my eyes but i guess that's just my preference. But now I think we will finally get to see the fall of Mel Gibson. And since Disney signed on with him there gonna be hurting too. GOOD then maybe people will one day go back to making decent movies.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Gotta Love A Good Nutcase

WHAT A NUTCASE CELEBIRTY! I hate hate Jane Fonda and her quest for attention. The woman needs to stay out of politics and stay in film where she's supposed to. Seriously it aggravates every inch of me that this woman can't keep her thoughts to herself. So now she's gonna drive her vegetable oil bus and annoy the rest of America! Does anyone else feel this way or is it just me. I really wish she would just keep her thoughts to herself. The woman probably has an IQ of zero and she just won't leave things alone. I highly doubt that she is doing this cause she cares about IRAQ. It's more likely that her alimony checks aren't paying for all her designer clothes or her huge mansion (which I’m sure takes tons electricity) and all her other Hybrid piece of shit cars. So now she must go out and press her opinion onto us because the first time she did it she did such a great job.

Monday, July 25, 2005


It is soooo Hot outside. we are under a heat advisory and it sucks. It's 100 degrees. It makes it impossible to want to do anything. Danny and I are planning on going for a bicycle ride but I don't know if I can bare it, I might fall over and pass out from the heat. Ugg it was not to bad until the last two weeks then the tempertaure just soared. Well its supposed to cool off in October so that's only two more months of this :)

Lance's 7th

It's pretty cool that this man has managed to win the tour de france seven times. As a cycling nut I'm loving this just because people are now more aware of what a wonderful sport bicycle racing is. Congratulations Lance. Even though I was pulling for Jan Ullrich I'm still happy you won!

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Bachlorette Party - Lets get ready to rumble

We tore up New Orleans last night. First we went to eat at Bubba Gump, where the service was lousy but it was still fun. Then it was off to the neighborhood sex shop to find our dear bride a veil. After we accomplished that the gang headed out to the club to get the party started!
The first stop was the Cat's Meow which is a karyoke/dance club. And we did a little of both.
Then after an exceptional amount of alchol we had had had to go to a strip club. Now don't presume we went to see the fellas, cause we didn't we went and saw some ladies at the Hustler Strip club. Now that was an interesting experience. First a drink with some booze in it is around 11 dollars, but if you decide you would just rather have a soft drink get ready to pay six dollars and this is on top of the ten dollar cover charge at the door. So we paid for our drinks and then watched the ladies do there work. Some of those ladies have some really intriguing moves they perform on the stage. When we got bored there we all decided it was time for some more dancing. So we stumbled out of Hustler and made our way to Razoos. One thing I noticed this night was that there is some appeal for men about a woman who is about to be married. Heather got hit on so much, we couldn't do anything without guys trying to come up to us and chit chat and give us some line. My favorite of the night was when we were standing together in the street and a guy came up and asked who was getting married. What a moron. Any way after some more dancing we decided it was time to call it a night or a morning since it was close to 5 am. So we hailed a cab and went home. What an amusing night. I am so glad we got to do this for Heather. Oh and a side note boas and heat do not mix. I had a boa which managed to turn me into a member of the blue man group by the time the night was through.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Bachlorette Party

So I'll be in the Crescent City tonight for my friend's bachlorette party. Whoo hoo watch out New Orleans here we come. I can't believe she'll be married in two weeks. Wow, it seems like only yesterday we were roommates livin in our swanky apartment. Now she'll be hitched, its kinda surreal. Heather and Richard are some of my closest friends and even though they have been together since I've known them I did not expect to see this day. Anyways, New Orleans better watch out cause there is a tornado rolling thorough you tonight! I'll post some pictures tomorrow so everyone can see the fun.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Watch your Mouth

Apparently if you bad mouth someone in a blog you can get sacked from your job. I always thought one had the right to say what they wished but apparently I am in the wrong. Just don't bad mouth your coworkers or your employer. I guess we'll see in the near future how companies are going to deal with blogs, but my guess is they'll blow it up into a huge ordeal, like writing a handbook

happy birthday

Tommorow is one of my oldest friend's Ali's 21st Birthday. I wish I could go party for her and celebrate but alas I can't. Have a great time girl and happy birthday. Up top there is a picture of my 21st Birthday. At midnight everyone gathered around and sang happy birthday, and while i selfishly enjoyed being in the center of attention a few people came from behind and ambushed me with silly string. Well anyways, that shit is hard to get out of your hair, I was contemplating shaving my head just so I wouldn't have to deal with the hard sticky substance (it was no longer string as it all meshed together creating a weird helmet of glob on my head.) So anyways, happy birthday Ali. and your lucky i'm too nice to put up some pictures of you from your days as a wee laddess.

Thursday, July 21, 2005


So Danny and I were extremly amused by our puppy the other day. He was sleeping on me while I was watching the T.V. so I told Danny to grab the camera and take some pictures of him and as soon as he came back with the camera Blue seemed to come alive. He was posing for the camera like a true model. It was like he was born for being in pictures. Maybe he's just born to be in the center of attention. That's probley more like it.

Wedding Crashers

Saw Wedding Crashers Tonight, Awesome movie. My friends all say I am to critical of movies but I tend to disagree. I am just sick of seeing the same sterotypical plot with no imagination in it whatsoever. But Wedding Crashers, though predictable was very funny. It was not until the end that I became bored with it. It did not need to be two hours long, come to think of it comedies in general shouldn't be over 1 1/2 hours, they just loose there stanima. Other than that today was an averege run of the mill day. This is my first attempt at a post so sorry if it is not all that thrilling. Hopefully in days to come I can be more whitty and charming making all want to read my post. But for today I am tired and just testing this thing out.